(Tampa, FL – 10/26/23). October 26th is the official day of Intersex recognition around the world; which makes it fitting that the city of Stamford, CT had the states first Intersex Flag Raising Ceremony, and honor Emma Dowd in a new tradition.

Emma was born in Bristol Connecticut November 1, 1978. A new Connecticut native that would start her life with complications. Emma was born Intersex, 46 XX CAH to be exact. Emma was raised as a male by her family until she found out the truth in 1996, her junior year of high school. She would continue to live as a man despite the diagnosis and took testosterone to ensure it. However in 2019 a hit to the head would shake up her puberty gland and cut off her over production of testosterone allowing her true gender take over.

On the national intersex recognition day, the city of Stamford, CT decided to officially recognize the day with an intersex flag raising ceremony. Stamford became the first city and state to honor it over the official buildings. Mayor Caroline Simmons presided over the ceremony and recognized Emma on a video, and welcomed her Connecticut heritage. In turn, Emma became the first honoree in the state of Connecticut; fitting since her family which goes back to the late 1600s, established other cities like Guilford and took leadership roles there and statewide. Now she joins the tradition of making Connecticut history her family started 300 plus years prior.

I grew up reading about my family on the Dowd side and their contributions to the state and cities throughout the colony till the statehood of Connecticut. Knowing I could never fight for the United States to honor that legacy (health reasons), I never thought I could contribute to the states history – living in Florida didn’t help. Then this amazing opportunity came about and I found out I’m the first. It’s a complete HONOR to be recognized by my state and be a part of the states history – joining my ancestors who pioneered before me. It’s incredibly emotional and tears of joy flowed down my cheeks today. Thank you Mayor Simmons for this amazing opportunity, and to represent a condition we didn’t choose to have and help dissolve the stigma behind it.

Emma Dowd

After, Emma spoke on a training video series for the employees of NBC Uni on diversity, she represented the intersex part of the LGBTQ – an experience she’ll never forget.