Emma’s Approach is DIFFERENT!

What I know is that everyone in this world wants to be loved, successful and live in harmony.  The problem is getting there!  Sometimes we need help and that’s where I come in.  My approach is a little different because I believe in balance.  Everything must balance in our lives to help us achieve that end goal.  So picture a triangle, sitting on a pin perfectly balanced.  At each tip you see personal/social, professional and health.  Those are the three main components in your life.  These must balance because if one gets too much attention it throws off the balance to the other two creating a mess as the triangle will become unbalanced and eventually fall.  What goals you have can be hindered by the other two keeping you from your goal. I look at all three aspects and try to balance them while creating a clear path to your desired outcome. Doesn’t matter what part of the triangle your goals are focused on I will help you get there and help you understand balance and apply it.

Personal/Social refers to your personal life.  This can include things like:

  • Relationships/dating
  • Budgets
  • Free time/interests/hobbies
  • Pets
  • Vacations
  • Friendships
  • Family
  • Bucket Lists
  • Volunteering

Business/Professional refers to your personal life.  This can include things like:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Jobs/careers
  • Financing
  • Investing
  • Professional growth
  • Advertising/marketing
  • Anything with money/business

Health/wellness refers to your personal life.  This can include things like:

  • Weight Loss/gain
  • Diseases
  • Mental health
  • Physical health
  • Stress reduction
  • Anything that includes your personal health

Nobody can change you BUT you.  You can have help to change but it still falls directly on you.  It’s nobody else’s responsibility or obligation.  This is what we must understand to take control of our mind and actions. – Emma Dowd

What I Can Do For You

My job is to help you reach your goals regardless what that is.  This can range from relationship to professional or both.  I will analyze your current situation and create a precise path to get you to where you want to be or to achieve what you want.  Along the journey I will look into the triangle to see what may be unbalanced which could hinder your progress.  I will encourage you and make sure you know you can achieve your dream!  I am NOT a licensed doctor or psychiatrist.  Should I notice something with your health (mental or physical) I will suggest medical attention, which may be necessary for your journey to be successful.

Everyone’s situations are different.  We have different goals, different challenges and different paces.  There is no “set” amount of sessions, it’s on an “as-needed” basis.  Generally we like to say a minimum of 4 is good to set down a plan, work on situational circumstances and help you overcome an obstacle… but it can take far more sessions or less – IT DEPENDS ON YOU!  Some of the things we can discuss are:

  • Identifying your end goal
  • Identifying your strengths and weaknesses
  • Taking your end goal and incorporating your strengths and weaknesses into a clear path
  • Looking for additional resources, training, etc.
  • Relationship goals
  • Self improvement
  • Community Involvement
  • LGBTQ Navigation (Coming Out, Living Normal)
  • Business Startups & expanding ideas
  • See value when you look into the mirror
  • Have a more rewarding personal life
  • Change your mindset/thinking

If you are ready to get started, then book your FREE consultation.  Our consultation is a 30 min zoom call where I will get to know you, listen to your goals or what you are looking to change, and work out a package of dates and length of sessions to suit you and your budget.  To set the free consultation please visit this link and choose a day/time that works for you.  SCHEDULE


FREE Consultation (30 Mins)   SCHEDULE
In person meetings
(Meet within the Tampa Bay area – Pasco/Hernando/Pinellas/Hillsborough)

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/eldtransformation
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/eldtransformation/


When I think of a life coach I think of an individual who can help others navigate through the weeds and thorns of life. The best Life Coaches are not only those who have gone to school for it but  the ones who have been through tough times in life and survived and don’t mind listening to others and sharing their experiences with them. One person comes to mind, and that is Emma Lynn Dowd. She has overcome many traumatic trials in her life physically, emotionally and mentally but she overcame them all.

I have worked with her for over 20 years now and has been able to still manage all of my websites in the spirit of excellence.

She is strong, resilient and very caring.

She is a fighter. This is the kind of coach you need. One who want give up and won’t let you give up either! She is a battle axe in the time of battle and a shelter in the time of storm. Coach Emma is that girl! 💪🏽💪🏽

Specific Situation Coaching


  • Assist with coming out
  • Assist with living your authentic life
  • Navigating the roads necessary for peace and harmony
  • Help you accept yourself
  • Become passive with criticism
  • Dealing with Bullying
  • Navigate Healthcare
  • Make Yourself Employable
  • Finding Your Ambition
  • Dealing with Religious Beliefs/Conflicts
  • Reconcile with family


I have talked with and became friends with many detransitioners over the years.  This is something that is considered TABOO inside the LGBTQ community.  These individuals will face scrutiny from their family and friends, they will need to reacquisition back into their old life, they will be outright abandoned by the LGBTQ and even face non-reversable body damage and health issues.  Mentally they may face things like regret, self hate, and more.  I am here to help you reclaim your life, reach those goals you have for yourself and help you BE YOUR BEST!

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