Starting in June 2024 WREB will air the brand new show hosted by Emma Dowd called Reminisce every Sunday from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.

Reminisce is a show unlike anything she’s ever embodied because it takes two of her passions and combines them into one. This show will do exactly what the title says, it will make you reminisce through old time radio, television, and things long gone while putting it into a show you can enjoy weekly. She loves getting on the air and entertaining and now she can do it in a new and fun way.

Old time radio and things of the past helped define our lives. Sadly as we move forward into the future many of these shows, pop culture and stuff just gets forgotten. This show is very important to bring to the new generation what their parents and grandparents experienced.

Emma Dowd

You can listen to Reminisce every Sunday on WREB by visiting You can also hear Emma’s famous radio show “The AME Radio Show” and her other talk show “The Emma Lynn Dowd Show” on WREB as well. Just go to the schedule to find the current times. Right now the AME Radio Show airs on Friday at 10:00 PM (Eastern) and her show “The Emma Lynn Dowd Show” airs every Saturday at 5:00 PM (Eastern).

The Emma Lynn Dowd Radio Show has been in an evolution period over the last two years as our concept and focus changed so has the show. We decided that the show will be an eclectic blend of topics ranging from talks about the LGBTQ (which Emma is a part of), to her wisdom regarding her transformative life coaching (tips and tricks), art, music and entertainment which is her primary love and so much more. The show will be mixed with music, celebrity guests and commentary that will express her opinion and allow you to make a well rounded decision. Its no holds barred in this show.

Today she released the new logo for the show and the schedule on AMFM247’s WREB radio station! The Emma Lynn Dowd Radio Show will be heard on WREB every Saturday night at 10:00 PM (Eastern). To listen go to the website or any of their 14 FM stations across the United States.

She’s currently looking for guests. If you want to pitch a topic of interest to the show for consideration please use this link

On April 18, 2024 CHAT Magazine, a UK publication, dropped their latest edition which featured Emma Dowd on the front cover. They predominantly only sell digital editions but paper versions are available throughout the United Kingdom and select cities throughout the United States.

The edition comes shortly after Emma’s story appeared in the Daily Mail, The Sun and The Mirror. All publications that service the United Kingdom. This however is different because this is also in print. Its the first time Emma has ever appeared in a print magazine and she’s excited over the opportunity.

The story is a first person account of what would have been going through her head growing up, then learning she was female rather than male as she thought. The story isn’t completely true, as it was modified to entice readers with drama and fit their style of first person narration. The article does show Emma as a very young child, a photo of her as a man (her hair was edited to look more masculine) and finally a photo taken last November.

The story does have some accuracy and some embellishments which I always expect so you can’t take everything here as “true” or “told by me” but for the most part it does in a way get inside my head as I lived as a man then finally my birth gender. Its a very emotional situation to relive and rehatch. I’m sure that some will dislike me based on the article while some it will be inspired. I do hope my story helps others going through this situation or something different; this is the only reason I ever said anything publicly.

Emma Dowd

On Sunday March 10, 2024 Emma appeared on a panel of guests talking about “Our Detransition” recorded for the 3rd episode of “Dark Side of the Rainbow” a Gays Against Groomers media production.

In the panel were 3 other detransitioners all MtFtM except for Emma. Each one told their story of what caused them to transition, to detransition and the impact it had on each ones lives. The stories and testimonials from the panel were heartwrenching. We discuss the mental impact it has on them and their health. Emma was in a different situation to appear on that panel than the rest of the guests.

Emma is a 46XX CAH intersex, who was raised male despite the female reproductive anatomy and chromosomes. In high school Emma found out she was intersex and through guidance of the doctors and school guidance counselor take testosterone to stop the secondary female development including her period; to stay male. The impact of that left her convinced to stop testosterone only to find out it was too late; the impact of the testosterone had on her chromosome disease allowed her to almost double her testosterone beit smaller than a biological man’s testosterone levels. She was never trans per say, so a detransition was impossible. Lucky for Emma clothes and a haircut was really the only transition needed. She never had surgery for her face, implants or bottom surgery. She didn’t take hormones to detransition, and she never agreed to be transed in the first place and even worse didn’t know for 18 years of her life.

The impact it had on Emma was life changing. She mentions how her impulse to protect and heal those other panel members was overwhelming; and bringing up her trauma from the years of lies to her body dysmorphia and MS that emerged from the testosterone damage had a serious impact on her mentally following the conclusion.

She hopes her story and the stories of those other panel individuals will open people’s eyes and why it’s so vital to hear so others don’t make the same mistakes they did.

(Tampa, FL – 10/26/23). October 26th is the official day of Intersex recognition around the world; which makes it fitting that the city of Stamford, CT had the states first Intersex Flag Raising Ceremony, and honor Emma Dowd in a new tradition.

Emma was born in Bristol Connecticut November 1, 1978. A new Connecticut native that would start her life with complications. Emma was born Intersex, 46 XX CAH to be exact. Emma was raised as a male by her family until she found out the truth in 1996, her junior year of high school. She would continue to live as a man despite the diagnosis and took testosterone to ensure it. However in 2019 a hit to the head would shake up her puberty gland and cut off her over production of testosterone allowing her true gender take over.

On the national intersex recognition day, the city of Stamford, CT decided to officially recognize the day with an intersex flag raising ceremony. Stamford became the first city and state to honor it over the official buildings. Mayor Caroline Simmons presided over the ceremony and recognized Emma on a video, and welcomed her Connecticut heritage. In turn, Emma became the first honoree in the state of Connecticut; fitting since her family which goes back to the late 1600s, established other cities like Guilford and took leadership roles there and statewide. Now she joins the tradition of making Connecticut history her family started 300 plus years prior.

I grew up reading about my family on the Dowd side and their contributions to the state and cities throughout the colony till the statehood of Connecticut. Knowing I could never fight for the United States to honor that legacy (health reasons), I never thought I could contribute to the states history – living in Florida didn’t help. Then this amazing opportunity came about and I found out I’m the first. It’s a complete HONOR to be recognized by my state and be a part of the states history – joining my ancestors who pioneered before me. It’s incredibly emotional and tears of joy flowed down my cheeks today. Thank you Mayor Simmons for this amazing opportunity, and to represent a condition we didn’t choose to have and help dissolve the stigma behind it.

Emma Dowd

After, Emma spoke on a training video series for the employees of NBC Uni on diversity, she represented the intersex part of the LGBTQ – an experience she’ll never forget.

Emma Dowd announced that her first guest to appear on her show under the new show name “The Emma Dowd Show”, is one of the most controversial guests to date; Lady MAGA.

Lady MAGA is Ryan’s drag stage name, as he is a drag queen. Right now across the USA, the LGBTQ has lost a significant amount of support over the last three years. This comes mainly from the backlash of transgendering children with HRT and surgeries, Drag Queen Story Hour and some radical ideologies that seeped into the public forum. This has made it tough for Ryan to work as a drag queen, as the negative narrative of Drag Queen Reading Hour was blanketed upon him.

Lady MAGA is openly conservative and a Trump supporter; just one of those two things is taboo among the LGBTQ community yet Ryan (aka Lady MAGA) is both. Under the LGBTQ mantra, everyone must be liberal, a Trump hater and anti-Christian; so Ryan doesn’t fit the bill and that causes trouble. These are things many of the Conservative, Christian gay, lesbian, trans individuals want to break because we can be both and still support the LGBTQ. This is part of the toxic nature the LGBTQ has created.

Over the last several years, Lady MAGA has attended rallies, spoke to massive crowds, been on national news and created his own radio show/YouTube presence talking about the things that are wrong with the world politically and within the LGBTQ. Ryan will come on to discuss these things and so much more in a fun, entertaining and light hearted interview. You will his story, his experiences and his views on the LGBTQ; a interview you won’t want to miss.

Emma goes on SEEN TV to discuss her life being interex, how it impacted her life and sexual relations to an international audience. This interview will be on their Sex Ed and Health Channel. When the interview is released we will post it here with links.

I appear on the Kate Dalley Radio Show to discuss my condition as an Intersex, plus I talk about some Taboo topics like Drag Queen Reading Hour, the LGBTQ get out of jail card, how Intersex is being absorbed into the trans movement and more…