In 2020, Philadelphia native Kendall Stephens claims she was a victim of a violent assault based on her being transgender. Her attacker Tymesha Wearing, pled guilty for the hate crime against Stephens and was sentenced to 11.5 to 23 months in prison. Since the attack, Stephens became an advocate for the LGBTQ, helping to push legislation that targeted aggressors against the LGBTQ as hate crimes.

Despite her activism and push for equality Stephens found herself on the opposite end of the spectrum. After watching her attacker, Wearing, get arrested for her crimes; now Stephens watched as police arrested her. Stephens is charged with two counts of Rape, Indecent Assault, Endangering the Welfare of a Child, Corruption of Minors and related charges. Her victims were under the age of 13. Bail has been set by the city of Philadelphia for $500,000.00. More details continue to emerge on the case.

Emma’s Take

Kendall Stephens is what I have called the worst examples of the trans community. Stephens was an outspoken voice for trans rights and the rights of the LGBTQ; but deep inside Stephens had a fetish for young children. That fetish came to light with the rape of these two children under the age of 13. Currently the LGBTQ has a dark cloud of doubt over it as there are people and the numbers are growing that feel it’s filled with sexual deviance. Some are predicting that it will be the safe haven for pedophiles. It’s cases like Stephens a transwoman who is 36 and rapes two children under the age of 13, that makes these arguments plausible. Individuals like Stephens hurts the entire organization because it doesn’t matter what letter of the LGBTQ you are Stephens actions will blanket the entire organizations as sexual deviants and pedophiles; which clearly the majority are not.