December 1, 2023 a Canadian girls swim competition took place which included girls from 8 years old to 16. What was supposed to be a wonderful day of competition between these young ladies and a day for proud parents to cheer on their daughters, soon turned into a fiasco. For on the card to compete was Melody Wiseheart, a 50 year old trans woman who is also a professor.

The parents learned that Melody would be allowed to change inside the locker room with their daughters, who for some, were in elementary school. To try to save their daughters being exposed to Melody, the parents made a barrier to allow their daughters to change and not come in contact with Wiseheart.

Despite the changing room situation it was not the oddest thing to transpire that day. One of the biggest red flags was Wiseheart was competing against children 40 years younger than her. When the meet finally ended Wiseheart came in last place in every race, Wiseheart who had a commanding advantage of height, strength and stamina over these girls still finished last.

After the meet, the parents made numerous complaints to the swimming organization and the police, all of whom did nothing. The Canadian Swim Competition gave a statement that it was over equality and everyone has the right to swim without discrimination. The typical buzz words used when it comes to transgender or LGBTQ individuals. The police were notified and were unable to do anything about Wiseheart because Wiseheart announced he now identified as a girl.

Since this story came out we have learned that Wiseheart has competed in several competitions with young girls like this and again came in last place on virtually every race.

My Take

Swimming should be equal and non discriminatory

AGREE! Swimming is meant for everyone but in a competition factors must be considered. For instance most swimming competitions have “levels” which puts people inside a category based on one’s weight, height, age and skill level. This is designed to make the competition fair. Same in boxing, they have banter weight, heavyweight, lightweight etc to make it competitive without a major advantage. Like picture Mike Tyson boxing a man 5′-7″ and 135 pounds… gee I wonder who would win.

In this competition Wiseheart was 40 years older than the girls she competed against. Also as a full grown individual who had over 30 plus years on testosterone Wisehearts body was taller, sleeker and the strength and stamina would have played a major impact on the outcome. For the most part this should have been a blood bath these girls were about to experience but thank goodness it wasn’t. If Wiseheart WAS at peak performance the Swim Committee overseeing the competition made the competition completely lopsided against the girls. In terms of equality and discrimination they insured Wiseheart they omitted those same principles for the girls.

On Wiseheart

Let’s look at what we know. Wiseheart IS a professor so her level of observance should be significantly higher than most. That being said Wiseheart should know better than anyone that this was unfair for those girls and NEVER should have competed against them (WIN OR LOSE). Why didn’t she compete against women her own age?

Wiseheart lost miserably to these young girls, it wasn’t even a competition. This says one thing to me, swimming wasn’t what this was about. Wiseheart can’t swim on any competitive level, so swimming was the key to access protected spaces (i.e. the girls changing room).

Wiseheart knows that trans individuals can scream inequality, bias, discrimination etc. if someone denies them access to do something. Therefore the swim competition would have to let her compete without question.

Wiseheart was upset that the parents put up barriers dividing Wiseheart and the girls. Wiseheart from pictures does not look like any HRT was used, let alone any surgery performed. That being said when Wiseheart was naked, she would look male.

The whole spectacle put on by Wiseheart proves to me and many others I’ve watched do commentary on this, that the goal was access to changing children. I believe that many individuals that call themselves “trans” are not actually trans at all. These individuals have fetishes that gives them a sexual release when experienced. Some its seeing themselves as the opposite sex, and those are the ones that tend to be the loudest and most obnoxious towards other women wanting access to their bathrooms, calling them CIS women, saying they are more of a woman than a biologically born female etc. They are also the trans women that tend to believe they are NOW a biological woman, and that they have periods. For Wiseheart who does not pass as a woman physically, appears that they are using the trans label to access their fetish which is being sexually attracted to minors. If this wasn’t the case, Wiseheart would not care if they put up barriers while dressing or being asked to use an alternative locker room.

We need to find these individuals like Wiseheart and call them out, especially if you are trans. Wiseheart’s actions are what’s causing legislation that’s aimed at taking back the rights trans fought for to protect women and men. It also puts a negative “blanket” across the LGBTQ – especially the T as most will look at them and say they are all sick individuals who are exploiting their fetish. If we don’t call these sick individuals out it will be the end of transgender freedom.