I was reading some posts on X, and for obvious reasons I tend to have a lot of trans issues (haters and supporters) of the gender ideology filling my feed.  As I scrolled I came across this specific post that tore my heart apart.  Let me write it out for you.

It’s official.  I am an ugly, homely transwoman.

So in selfies I actually look kind of cute and I realize it is because of mirrors the image and somehow makes me look a lot better than I really do.  I actually had a get together today with family and a few photos were taken of me.  I was excited to see how I appeared.

I just want to cry.  I want to give up.  There is no way any man would want this.  I am ugly.  My head and face are awful shaped and mannish, and after a year and a half of hormone therapy my body just looks boyish.  My hair sucks.  I am just not feminine.

I am just embarrassed to be me.  I have basically signed up for single life and being an ugly girl.  Honestly I would be doing myself and the world a service if I just killed myself.


There are reasons for this which I will explain but first lets contemplate the transition in general.  We are being force fed the idea that transitioning is life saving medical care because without it those individuals will die.  So what happened why are they still contemplating suicide when these transitions are going to give them the euphoria they were guaranteed by the medical community?  There is yet another factor in this and that is trans activists and the LGBTQ people affirming them as “beautiful, strong, brave, and oh you look so feminine”.  All the buzzwords that distort the reality those individuals are living in to make them believe they are looking feminine.  Lies hurt and the truth will always shine through, which happened to this poor transwoman.

Now lets go over what’s at play here:

Matrixing Effect

The matrixing effect is probably one of the biggest culprit here.  So to describe what this is briefly; look up in the sky and you see a cloud.  You say “Oh that cloud looks like a dog” now some will see it but some won’t.  Matrixing is the phenomena that our brain and eyes need to make something into things to better relate.  It’s also a common issue within the paranormal investigation field.

So this person is kind of blinded I am sure by the affirmation and compliments people gave them so their feelings wouldn’t be hurt.  This is very common within the LGBTQ community so it kind of puts those red glasses on.  This person saw the woman he thought he looked like based on influences like affirmation and selfies that probably had some kind of filter on to make them more appealing.  They forgot they used the filters and thus got a rude awakening with the other camera.

I have to admit though, cameras are not the best when it comes to judging our looks.  Lighting, environment etc, can influence one’s looks through a camera.  What I tend to do to give a more realistic look is to view my reflection in the mirror.  This is more forgiving and natural than a camera.

The matrix also takes hold when people compare us to others and when we see other people like on magazines.  If someone compares us to someone less appealing we tend to feel inadequate or at best we feel some of that truth coming in and we hyperfocus on our flaws.  Additionally we compare ourselves to them, but they are heavily photoshopped so really nobody can achieve that look, not even the individual in the photo.

The sad reality here is that the graphic below is generally how trans individuals, especially trans women see themselves.  This is an image created in the brain that is manipula

ted by one’s heart.  It’s lie is often influenced by the trans activists and people saying how feminine they look even if they don’t to affirm them.  The end result can be disastrous to someone who suffers from gender dysphoria, but I must say that a true transgender individual would not be walking around looking like Jeffrey Marsh.


The mental health of the gender dysphoric individual is incredibly important yet it’s probably the first thing that’s tossed out.  Nobody is born in the wrong body, our mind however doesn’t want to believe that because Gender Dysphoria tells us otherwise.  The truth of the matter is, not everyone needs to transition to fight their gender dysphoria; but try to tell that to a LGBTQ activist or trans activist.  To push the narrative they say “transgender individuals need access to “LIFE SAVING” care like HRT and top/bottom surgeries.”  Life saving care means that without it they will die.  Lets be real, nobody has ever died being born in the wrong body because it just doesn’t exist.  They die by their own hand, suicide which is a choice.  So what theoretically could be the life saving medical treatment isn’t HRT or surgery, rather therapy that doesn’t push an agenda for money.

It’s a proven fact places like PLUME and Planned Parenthood do not require you to undergo any therapy to receive HRT or surgeries.  All you have to do is go and say you are trans; that’s the only requirement and these individuals take you at your word and start you on HRT immediately.  Prior to 2008 for one to get HRT they would need to undergo at least two years of therapy and be deemed “gender dysphoric” with no therapy aiding their mental disorder; the only option was transitioning.  Then prior to any surgery they had to live as a woman or man for two years minimum and on HRT before they could be a candidate for surgery.  All of those factors are a thing of the past as they push the narratives.  This has allowed countless “trans” people to transition and realize they made a mistake, one with irrevocable consequences” like the man in this redit.  The option is to detransition or suicide.  The sad part is the LGBTQ for the detransition will completely ostercize them leaving them empty and alone, despite their rhetoric causing the situation.

Doctors are paid heavily by the organizations and insurances so of course they will claim you are gender dysphoric on the first visit.  I would almost bet they get a kickback from the doctors who then perform these expensive surgeries.  Do you know a bottom surgery ranges in the $39,000.00 range?  Top surgeries for implants run into the $10,000.00 range.  So without any facial surgery the medical industry is set to receive $49,000.00 for just that patient.  If that person ruins their life it doesn’t matter they can put money down on or buy another sports car or a third vacation home.

These doctors are predators, preying on the vulnerable and mental condition of people looking for an answer.  Not everyone needs to transition.  Sadly many of these individuals cleared for surgery and HRT are not even trans, they are autogynephilia and gay individuals with underlying homophobia.  Additionally many other fetish drivin people use the term trans to exploit the loopholes for their fetish.

Doctors and therapists will tell you once on HRT you are biologically that sex; however stop the HRT and you will start to transition back but half assed if you will.  A biological individual will not have that happen.  They changed it from a sex change to gender affirmation surgery (GAS) because you literally can’t change your sex and they know it, therefore they simply reworded it.  They will affirm your new gender as biological to play into your need for affirmation; if they don’t they commit medical malpractice.  For years the LGBTQ has tried to unstigmatize transgenders as a mental illness, which it clearly is, because if it’s mental then it doesn’t exist.  I know dozens of transgender women and men who will say for certain they are biologically female or male, but present as male or female only.

Activists/Gender Fluidity

Probably one of the most dangerous individuals for confused “trans” people.  There are gender fluid people fighting to be recognized as neither male or female and present as both.  Some use HRT and surgeries to only go half way.  They have to push for affirmation and validation for all trans and gender fluid individuals because if they don’t then none of this exists and they deformed their bodies for no reason.  These activists use any weapon in their cabinet to push these narratives.  They include gaslighting (trying to make you believe that transwomen can get periods and get pregnant), they will use slur words like (homophobic, transphobic, bigot and other terms to shame you into submission).  They will use bullying and violence if they have to.  Some will use lunatic behavior like screaming at the top of their lungs to drown you out if you don’t comply, hoping that you are so annoying you will say what they want to hear to shut them up.  These people prey on innocent kids that may be autistic or have confidence/self-esteem issues; or maybe are socially inept to think they are trans or gender fluid so they can play the victim or be accepted in a marginalized group.  Remember there is power in numbers.  They brainwash too using manipulative speech and trying to bend the truth to show them their “true selves” so they trust and join the cult.

Sadly these people are the ones that command respect like politicians and teachers.  People who claim to have your best interest so that they can get your vote; when in reality they are selling you, your health and life out for that vote.  Should you realize you made a mistake like this individual, you will find that they are no longer right beside you but pushing you down that cliff.

IT MAY HURT, but it’s so important to tell these people the truth, help them take the proper route to work on their diagnosis as opposed to just going to the extreme last resort first.  Help them work through the walls put up to stop them from making an irreversible mistake.