As you may or may not know for the last three years since being off Testosterone, I have been trying to save money to get the bottom surgery so that I can bleed correctly each month during my period.  Unlike a transgender or transsexual individual, I was born female and have a uterus that functions and without the testosterone I took to suppress my period, it came back.  Having altered genitals at birth, this causes me to become very sick.  Remember I am a 46 XX CAH intersex, not a trans individual.

Running out of options to secure funding, I asked my doctor what I can do because I am becoming sicker each month for a week after my period as my body tries to absorb the tissue and blood.  My doctor said “have you considered just having a hysterectomy and leaving your genitals intact?  Because the insurance will pick up the hysterectomy.”  My immediate response was “I have thought about it, but what will it do to me to have that procedure?”  My doctor responded, “your period will stop.”

So then I read things on Reddit, X and other social media accounts about trans women that say “we get periods, deal with it, its VERY valid” and “we are biological women being on HRT.”  Here are some of their posts

You see one of them talks about having their period and the doctor hilariously tells them to go see a GI Doctor because the doctor said they were not having a period.  When I commented on this, I was attacked by trans activists saying I am NOT a doctor so I can’t speak for all trans people.  Well, my doctor told me if I get the hysterectomy then I don’t get a period anymore.  This doctor told that individual go see a GI doctor because you are not having a period.  These doctors are where I got this information from – actual science and not fantasy.

The problem is that being trans it NOT enough.  They need to be “biological” in every sense.  This is an impossible feat, so instead of accepting that they have done all they can, they need to make up stuff to feel better about themselves – essentially threatening and gaslighting others to accept that they can get periods, they are biological and that they are absolutely valid in this transformation.  We are the problem though in this, because we feel we must accept their lies and fantasy and affirm them; thus leading to this kind of thinking and behavior.

Now read the other post.  They say “Those smaller things are affirming to me.”  They ask what is a woman?  How can I not be one because I do things that women do. This is where I differ immensely.  As an intersex person, that was born female, when I wake up in the morning I do not think about things that make me female.  I do not need makeup to go out to try to pass, I like to because I like to look my best, but I don’t put it on everyday.  I do not need to be affirmed with clothes, hair, makeup, going into the women’s restroom etc. No natural born women thinks about this stuff either.  We do not feel euphoric based on how our panties feel or how a skirt flows making us feel feminine.  We do not feel euphoric putting our bras on, in fact most women hate them.  So these individuals are literally trying too hard to pass, and feel feminine but femininity doesn’t exist inside those “affirming things”.  If you have to try hard to be something, you aren’t that.  This goes the same with men, do men wake up and say wow how can I be more of a dude do I need to go punch random strangers, burp Bohemian Rhapsody, fix a car and bro punch people?  NO!  They are just men, who do not need to do things to be a man, they just are.

When I was trying to be male as a child and into most of my adult life I can say that it was very hard to be male, because I wasn’t.  I didn’t think or act like a man. I did not have the same interests as men.  I became the people in these posts.  Now that I am back to my chromosome gender, I don’t think about any of that stuff these people posted about.  I just do it, I don’t think “is this female enough?”  I just live… I do go out without makeup, sometimes scrub clothes, messy hair and nobody questions me.  I do believe this is why most trans and gender fluid people get “misgendered” because they are trying too hard and people see through the ruse.  I have said time and time again that there are two parts to a transition – physical and mental.  These individuals that wrote those posts may be physically transitioned but it’s clear they are not mentally transitioned and its the source of their issues.