By Emma Lynn Dowd

Growing up there was a term that defined someone born with both genders; that term was hermaphrodite. The term is a medical term with a finite definition that can’t be manipulated which has roots back into Ancient Greece. Some time within the 21st century groups and individuals began to take a closer look and dissect the term and they found it was IMPOSSIBLE to be two genders. Scientifically they were correct, chromosomal wise you can either be male or female; but with a genital or reproductive mutation it was thought to be both.

There is a new notion that gender is not determined by your genitals, rather your brain. That brought them to determine that hermaphrodite is a derogatory word. They replaced it with Intersex.

It wasn’t long before the LGBTQ added intersex into their repertoire of acronyms. This merger is where the term intersex is started to be “manipulated”.

As the trans and queer movement took off around 2010, things like pronouns became important to people’s everyday life. They found it offensive if they decided they were non-binary and didn’t want to be called male or female so they didn’t want the him/his or her/she pronouns. They also believe that since the brain is where gender is decided and not ones reproductive functionality, that one could mentally be intersex. That means they portray male but may have some feminine qualities, interests or what have you so therefore they are intersex.

Now it’s becoming a common word among the LGBTQ that most individuals are intersex because of the scenario above. Most science disproves this, those that go by genetics and chromosomes rather than mental adaptation. For instance a woman can’t inseminate another woman and get her pregnant because she lacks the sperm and testicles. On the opposite side a man can’t get pregnant without a uterus and ovaries; but say that outside of your mouth and home and you will have an instant target on your head. This is simply NOT TRUE as the LGBTQ states. If an individual who was born biologically female but believes she’s male, she is biologically male and must be treated as such – hence the “pregnant man”.

The trans movement is something even more complex. These individuals are born male or female and they can’t stand their body. Some become almost crippled with anxiety looking in a mirror and not seeing the correct gender. These individuals go through intense therapies like HRT and even GCS to right this wrong. Once they become the gender they identify as some are able to live a normal life – while some still have serious gender dysphoria. Before one can go through these extreme measures they must complete sometimes two years of psychotherapy before they can get on HRT and some need 1 to 2 years of that depending on the surgeon before they can get GCS (Gender Confirmation Surgery); making the process take several years. This may seem like an eternity for some but it’s a safety measure to ensure the person undergoing these changes is truly transgender and they understand the consequences of their choice.

Hermaphrodite or Intersex are different. Take myself for instance, I was born with XX chromosomes but I had both genitals that was changed when I was just an infant. As I grew up I found I was made the wrong gender. I have a uterus and ovaries, a micro-penis, and female characteristics. Unlike a transgender I didn’t need to go through any HRT to achieve the look I have today, I just had to stop taking testosterone. This is something a transgender would not be able to do, nor a gender queer, non-binary etc. When I went to the surgeon to fix my situation they only required 1 year of HRT. So at worst case scenario my wait would be 1 year.

By claiming everyone who has male and female tendencies in their brain “intersex” they are warping basic medical science and biological science to fit their needs. Should one stand up to them and say they are wrong, they will be met with intense scrutiny, attacks, blackballing, and even worse fates. This also wipes out the identity of intersex individuals, negates their medical conditions because of the abuse of the term by others and makes them just a queer or transgender.

Since I refused testosterone anymore to stay male, I have found the dangers this narrative brings to my health. Doctors tend to dismiss me, making it hard to even get a doctor to see me let alone take me seriously. They don’t listen when I say I am XX chromosome and gave me medicine for men with severe adverse reactions or lack of results. It makes it hard to get GCS procedures which aren’t done for gender confirmation rather fixing our abnormalities. We also are at high risk of being born with or developing later in life auto-immune diseases. I for example have Multiple Sclerosis. Intersex individuals are prone to lupus, spina bifida and things along these lines. Our bodies don’t always work the way a non-intersex individual’s does.

These reasons create a problem when people who believe they are mentally intersex, but are really trans or queer, abuse the term.

The second problem which can be catastrophic for mankind, but excellent for the narrative is it allows trans and queer individuals the ability to bypass the checks and balances to expedite HRT or GCS which could be unfixable or fixable but never the same if they made a mistake. This will only add to the “suicide” rates among the trans community which is an already high risk group. Is this what we really want to please ones ideas without validation and help promote a stupid narrative?