This photo is large for a reason, so you can hopefully see what I am saying in the top left corner of this photo

When I went to take a selfie tonight what I thought I was capturing turned out to be far more meaningful than the pose itself. I was trying to show my face and concentration as I pondered reality. So I make it square for instagram and then I looked deeply. Top left corner you see a picture. That picture is my grandparents and they are holding me, a 30 day old baby, getting ready to be baptized in my Christening gown; which was part of the wedding dress that belonged and worn by my grandmother’s (Pictured) mom. They were the first German immigrants on my moms side that came to America for a better life. My grandparents outside of my parents are the most important people in my life. When my grandmother died my world was never the same. So that picture was December 1978! Right next to the picture is a stuffed panda I got my grandmother at Catskill Game Farm (now out of business) in 1988 with my paper route money. Next the actual picture of me. I am pondering reality concentrating hard; BUT it’s me now, 45 years apart from this photo and that old picture of me as an infant. In my dreams I almost never see myself in them, but I reenact the memory, symbolic of the darkness covering it. On my person you see my wedding/engagement ring, the Yin Yang and the moon earring all major symbols of where I started, what I achieved and who I am in one photo.