Emma has experienced a few situations that rocked her world.  The first came in 1996 when she found out she was not a man, rather a female who was born intersex.  The second is in 2014 she was finally diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis after years of searching for answers to her health issues.  This one came as a direct complication from her being intersex.  Finally she had added over 24 years 4 rescue dogs; giving them a second chance at a long term loving home and helping them have the best life ever.  These three factors has led her to speak out against the insanity coming out of the LGBTQ by some individuals and sympathizers, being attacked herself for her own beliefs and threatened over those views.  She knows pain and suffering and she wants nothing more than to rid this world of the horrific life altering disease Multiple Sclerosis and knowing the love of 4 rescue dogs she knows all dogs deserve that happy home and companionship so she’s a proponent for rescue dogs and cats.

Emma is also a huge proponent for preserving our history and teaching it correctly as opposed to “how people want to hear it so it doesn’t hurt their feelings”.  Emma currently volunteers at the Hernando Historical Museum Association where she’s a board member, the Volunteer Coordinator and a docent giving tours.

In 2023 Emma became a proud content creator for Gays Against Groomers.  An organization that believes that kids are not born in the wrong bodies and advocates to stop the medical transition of kids and indoctrination in schools regarding transgenderism, gender fluidity and the LGBTQ.

She is always willing to lend a hand, speak up and support organizations that align with her beliefs and passions.  If you want to collaborate with Emma on your non profit or mission, she’s all ears.  Simply write to gigs@emmalynndowd.com and she will get with you or have her management team reach out to put you both in touch.