One of my bucket list destinations was to visit Detroit and Michigan in general. Michigan is one of those states that you have to physically go to or you never will. The main reason is if you cut across the United States across the top part of the country you won’t ever drive through it because of it’s location. I have various reasons for wanting to visit Detroit which includes: visiting Motown, seeing a Tigers game, seeing the Fox Theater and Fillmore.

May 2023 this bucket list got a check. Visiting my cousin in Ohio I decided to travel north and go see the city I’ve heard so much about. I wanted to see these historic locations, I wanted to see that Tigers game which I did. I had an absolute blast visiting Detroit, and I will never forget it. I have some good and bad memories to take with me and it’s the bad ones that concerns me.

Detroit and Michigan happen to be a state run by liberals and has since before I was born. I can’t honestly recollect a time when conservatives had control in my lifetime; that being said it’s 44 years now. This state and city happen to have some of the highest taxes in our country. The citizens are literally taxed to death. So my question is why on earth are the roads so abysmal and trash on the side of the roads. Why are there so many homeless people, people living in poverty, and businesses running from the state? Aren’t taxes supposed to go to fix these things?

What I see is the fleecing of the good people of Michigan and Detroit by spineless, elitist left wing olagarts that take advantage of these citizens. They trick these individuals with civil rights and other propaganda rhetoric to get them to keep voting left when in the end, they don’t care about them only their money. The corruption inside the Detroit local government is astounding. The Governor of Michigan won again in 2022 despite the people despising her and her communist like regime she played especially during COVID.

With taxes like they take, the streets should be clean enough to eat off of. The industry should be thriving, businesses thriving and homeless made into middle class. This is the failure of the left wing policies. I’ve traveled to 40 states, the states run by liberals or the cities they control are the worst cities around. WHY?