It’s been two years since I publicly announced my secret of being intersex. Throughout this time of growing, learning and accepting myself I learned a lot of important things from others that have walked the path before me. I looked back at the world, the virtue seekers, the agendas and narratives coming from the various letters of the LGBTQ community and I tend to wonder why are we putting ourselves through unnecessary drama.

Ok, lets go back 30 to 40 years, putting us into the 1980s and 1990s when I was growing up. Being gay was highly taboo. Gay individuals were met with severe bullying, hatred and discrimination. You were lucky if you didn’t get killed depending where you lived. Times were much different back then for people in the LGB community. Now it’s different, the pioneers that rose up for equality and anti-discrimination did their job and won. Most people don’t care what we do as humans as long as it doesn’t impede on their lives.

Despite the playing field being very level now, the LGBTQ individuals love to flaunt their sexual preference in everyone’s faces. Have you ever gone to a pride parade? I have and I was embarrassed to say the least. People walked the streets waving flags, some half naked, men walking around with genital attire, assless chaps, whips and chains and lots of other sexual things. Women half naked, showing their bare breasts. Drag queens and gay individuals would have very explicit dancing and displays on the floats. This is not something I would consider R rated it’s almost X rated and yet it’s in public in front of children.

When straight people see this, they take offense. If you walked in the parade and you were classy they would support you. For the most part you won’t see straight individuals dancing clad, half naked or anything like this in public. If they did they would be arrested and/or put on a sexual predator list if it’s lewd enough. The LGTBQ can’t understand why the support for the organization has gone down the tubes. They can’t understand why the straight people are starting to meet them with discourse again. I can tell you why.

It’s because you are shoving the flags in their face, you parade around without care if you’re naked, lewd or provocative. You push your ideologies down their throats and if they disagree you accuse them of hating and bigotry, homo and transphobia. Ugly words. WE have become the bully, we throw tantrums when we don’t get our way. We are grooming their children and going behind their backs with their children’s sexuality. We refuse to compromise and show straight people the compassion we once asked for and demanded from them. Some families are torn apart because their child is gay or trans and they don’t want to rush to transition them thus losing them to the state.

Here’s the thing, most people don’t give a damn what you do in your bedroom. It’s NOBODY’S BUSINESS! If you’re gay, fine…act like a decent human. How many CIS straight couples do you see flying flags in your face, demanding you accept their ideologies or face strict backlash and canceling. Do they go up in your face and have lewd provocative scenes in public with their spouse or BF/GF? Not always but it does happen, but it happens a lot more in the LGBTQ community.

As an intersex woman, when I leave my house I am EMMA Dowd. I am a normal woman as that is what I portray, I don’t go around announcing I have a genital and chromosomal deformity. I have never been called out to my face or to my knowledge behind my back, except by haters that don’t like my message. I am married to a woman, I don’t go around and shove my tongue or her tongue down our throats, practically stripping in public. I don’t wear flags that call attention to my sexuality or intersex condition. People don’t blink an eye when I am with her or alone. When I see people I treat them with the same love and respect I want for myself. I don’t judge anyone and in turn they have no right to judge me. Should someone find out or I am forced to tell my condition I don’t talk down to them or AT them, I simply explain the condition as a rational human being, with concern of their feelings. If they reject me and leave that’s fine too. I don’t need to be accepted by anyone, just respected enough to walk away and not cause trouble for me. I walk and talk with love, no malice even if they disagree.