Emma Dowd announced that her first guest to appear on her show under the new show name “The Emma Dowd Show”, is one of the most controversial guests to date; Lady MAGA.

Lady MAGA is Ryan’s drag stage name, as he is a drag queen. Right now across the USA, the LGBTQ has lost a significant amount of support over the last three years. This comes mainly from the backlash of transgendering children with HRT and surgeries, Drag Queen Story Hour and some radical ideologies that seeped into the public forum. This has made it tough for Ryan to work as a drag queen, as the negative narrative of Drag Queen Reading Hour was blanketed upon him.

Lady MAGA is openly conservative and a Trump supporter; just one of those two things is taboo among the LGBTQ community yet Ryan (aka Lady MAGA) is both. Under the LGBTQ mantra, everyone must be liberal, a Trump hater and anti-Christian; so Ryan doesn’t fit the bill and that causes trouble. These are things many of the Conservative, Christian gay, lesbian, trans individuals want to break because we can be both and still support the LGBTQ. This is part of the toxic nature the LGBTQ has created.

Over the last several years, Lady MAGA has attended rallies, spoke to massive crowds, been on national news and created his own radio show/YouTube presence talking about the things that are wrong with the world politically and within the LGBTQ. Ryan will come on to discuss these things and so much more in a fun, entertaining and light hearted interview. You will his story, his experiences and his views on the LGBTQ; a interview you won’t want to miss.