On Saturday I took my friend Haley and wife Fran to Busch Gardens for what we hoped to be a day full of fun and adventure (it did not disappoint by the way). We walked through the park entrance when the worker scanned my annual pass and let me go through. When I did, Haley, Fran and I were getting our stuff organized when I hear “OMG I know you, I know your face”. At first I had no idea who she was talking to but when I turned around I saw it was me.

I said “say again”, and she said I know your face I know you from somewhere. I proceeded to tell her “I come here often, you probably remember me from another trip here!” She said “NO, I know where I saw you – you make videos on YouTube that talk about you living as a man but really a woman.” That took me by surprise, but I replied to her “yes that’s me”. She said

I am a huge fan of your videos, I’ve seen everyone. I love how you call out the BS and yet stay compassionate to everyone, your work has inspired me… OMG I can’t believe you are here right now, I never thought I’d meet you in person.”

I smiled and said “I am glad my videos helped you in some way”, I fist bumped her and smiled as I turned back to my wife and friend to get on with our day. Fran was like what was that all about? I responded “that girl recognized me from my YouTube videos and is a fan!”. Haley was like look at you, you’re a celebrity! I laughed and started walking to Montu.

There was never a time in my life that I ever expected that to happen. I don’t do these videos for attention, I do them because I hope my story will inspire or help someone. It did! I don’t like money, I never did these videos to make a dime I did it to hear what this lady at Busch Gardens said to me when I entered that I helped them or inspire them. If that’s all I ever get off my videos and speaking then I will be the richest person in the world.

This incident at Busch Gardens was a humbling moment. It would be easy to let it go to your head, as that was what my brain was trying to do and I can see why celebrities can be vain sometimes. I am so proud of myself for staying grounded and know that my worked help someone and not seeking that attention. This inspires me to constantly make more videos and see who I can touch.

Check out my Instagram to see pictures from that day