I was recently on Arielle Scarcella’s TV show on YouTube and what an amazing experience it was. I got the chance to tell my story, my experience and my warnings for people who are thinking about undergoing medically induced transitions from gender to gender. I know that my views and warnings go directly against the woke narrative and therefore it would bring some or an abundance of hate. I do not do these shows and tell my story to try to convince people I am intersex at all. I don’t need anyone’s acceptance nor do I need them to believe me or not. I simply know what the damages are the come from hormones and even seen from others the damages from surgical transitions after they changed their minds.

So of course I was attacked by a few people. Some will always believe I am transgender simply because of how the LGBTQ has grouped the trans and intersex community together. Yes we do have some similarities but intersex is a medical condition – a birth defect. So plenty of that happened inside the comment section, but one attacker went far beyond and above to discredit me.

They said they see so many contradictions in my interview with Arielle than what happened in my comments on my own YouTube channel. I was absolutely confused so I asked them for clarification. They said I denied I knew my diagnosis as an intersex, everyone that is intersex knows their diagnosis. They continued with I am now saying I am CAH but before on my channel I said there is no diagnosis so I am obviously lying that I am truly a transgender man who is using the blanket of intersex to gain acceptance.

This rocked me because I was thinking to myself, WHY would I have said that since I’ve known since 1996 my diagnosis; so I said PROVE IT.

Under the comments on Arielle’s video with me… they typed my conversation; and I said well damn I guess I did say that. I don’t know why I did – but they made a slight mistake. They called me a pedophile on that video, and I was able to look up that conversation. What I found made me irate at best. The conversation they wrote was not copy and pasted except one thing and they didn’t omit one vital piece of the answer I gave. The rest they grabbed some of the original question and omitted the rest – matched it with my answer and added [HUH] then my answer.

The question the individual asked was “what is the diagnosis of your CAH but they spelled out CAH. I said there is no diagnosis except I was fixed when I was a child to be male and that I was a twin and my brother died in utero and that is the cause.

They altered the question to say – what is your diagnosis? Then they made my reply [huh] there is no diagnosis except I was fixed when I was a child to be male and that I was a twin and my brother died in utero and that is the cause. So you are not CAH? I don’t know what that is.

None of that existed except my response about no diagnosis. The individual asked what caused my CAH, not what diagnosis was given for my intersex. My response was correct I don’t know what caused the CAH. It usually happens when there is an over abundance of testosterone if you are XX chromosome. The best answer possible right now that wasn’t an actual diagnosis but could be the factor to it was my dead twin.

So I decided to call them out and paste the actual conversation and they stopped responding.

The bottom line here is that nobody has to tell their diagnosis to anyone for any reason. I do tell it and yes sometimes I don’t get into the CAH as it’s confusing. I have it written in my medical file and my chromosome test and that is all I need, nobody else’s opinion on what I am matters. Yes my experience is a bit more complicated, but nothing is “cookie cutter” when it comes to illnesses and birth defects. To claim my experience isn’t normal so I’m lying and that I didn’t announce my condition so I am also lying is like telling someone who says they have cancer and doesn’t get specific they are lying.