As Roe v. Wade was a a decision by the US Supreme Court, marriage equality is also a decision and not a law passed by Congress so it could be overturned. For centuries marriage was defined legally as a union between a man and woman, this decision changed that; forcing all 50 states to marry gay couples in the courthouse.

The House of Representatives today with over 46 Republicans and all Democrats created a law to protect marriage equality meaning they can’t discriminate against same sex marriage nor interracial marriage. The Roe vs. Wade decision being overturned scared the lawmakers and they decided to do something about it, the same thing they should have done about abortions but failed to do so. This is mostly from the absolute radical agenda in the law that forced even some middle of the road democrats to rescind on their YEA nod.

This is a huge win for the LGBTQ community. I however don’t believe this is even necessary and here’s why.

Governments, regardless if they are on the state or federal levels are forbidden to discriminate against any of the people they govern. Since marriage between a woman and man are considered legal, within reason, any and all other marriages should also be legal or it would be discrimination. The within reason clause stops people from marrying inanimate objects, animals or minors. If they were to disallow interracial or same sex marriage they would be discriminating.

The law however will guarantee that all marriages will be legal in all 50 states and would not be able to be struck down by the US Supreme Court nor the Office of the President. This means everyone that wants to marry who they love can at least go to the courthouse and get legally married.

I have and always will side with separation of church and state. In this case the government can’t force any religious body to act against their beliefs and marry an interracial or same sex couple. If there was no separation of church and state the law would force them to go against their religious beliefs but it would also allow those religions to influence the government and their beliefs would have to be considered when any law is implemented. Not every person is religious regardless of the religion so to have those beliefs forced upon them would be immoral and vice versa. So I agree with the church being able to accept non-traditional marriages or not and performing the ceremonies on a church by church or religion by religion fashion. We seen many Methodist churches marry same sex couples regardless if the Methodist governing body accepts it or not.

As an intersex individual who is female, married to another female this law if overturned could have negated my marriage, or may be grandfathered in I’m not sure about that. If the prior was the case I would have no choice but to deal with the matter at hand. Negating the marriage would not break the vow I said to my wife as no paper from the state or federal government can negate that but it would have serious financial issues should my spouse or I died prior to the other.

So what’s right is right, we can’t discriminate so against popular belief this never should have been an issue but the government has stepped up to ensure these rights are protected without going too far left or right on the matter. If it’s considered a sin in any religious body those couples can go to any courthouse and get legally married, if it’s a sin to God or not that will be his judgement not the judgement of the people that inhabit this earth. All people should be treated with dignity and respect, you don’t have to accept the marriage but you should respect it enough to not attack the individuals with or without violence. What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home should have no impact on you unless we are forced to pay for it.