On April 18, 2024 CHAT Magazine, a UK publication, dropped their latest edition which featured Emma Dowd on the front cover. They predominantly only sell digital editions but paper versions are available throughout the United Kingdom and select cities throughout the United States.

The edition comes shortly after Emma’s story appeared in the Daily Mail, The Sun and The Mirror. All publications that service the United Kingdom. This however is different because this is also in print. Its the first time Emma has ever appeared in a print magazine and she’s excited over the opportunity.

The story is a first person account of what would have been going through her head growing up, then learning she was female rather than male as she thought. The story isn’t completely true, as it was modified to entice readers with drama and fit their style of first person narration. The article does show Emma as a very young child, a photo of her as a man (her hair was edited to look more masculine) and finally a photo taken last November.

The story does have some accuracy and some embellishments which I always expect so you can’t take everything here as “true” or “told by me” but for the most part it does in a way get inside my head as I lived as a man then finally my birth gender. Its a very emotional situation to relive and rehatch. I’m sure that some will dislike me based on the article while some it will be inspired. I do hope my story helps others going through this situation or something different; this is the only reason I ever said anything publicly.

Emma Dowd