(New Port Richey, FL – June 22, 2021) – On August 6, 2021 Actress, Model and Advocate Emma Lynn Dowd will appear on Wake Up with Patti Katter’s radio show/podcast to discuss her life of being an intersexed individual.

Since her secret of being intersexed came out to the world, Emma has worked hard to educate those around her regarding her condition. She mentions that people are quick to judge and call the “transition” back to a female if you will, a choice when in fact it’s not. She talks to Patti about how her body naturally went back to being female without surgery or without estrogen after a hit to the head in 2019. The only “choice” she made was to not pursue taking more testosterone to prolong her looking and acting like a man.

Emma was born with male genitals and a fully functional female reproductive system. In 1995/96 when she was in 10th grade Emma started to develop breasts; and during this time she found out she was actually a female by having a fully functional uterus, a monthly cycle and breast development; it wasn’t just in her head. She will tell Patti and her listeners how she hid her secret for 41 years and why she took testosterone to stay a male reversing the natural female development.

Due to her “birth defect” Emma is quickly placed in the LGBTQ community, when in fact most of them have rejected her. Her condition was not a choice, was not a lifestyle change but rather a mishap at birth. Regardless Emma doesn’t let this keep her down! She embraced the changes her body has gone through and continues to educate people about her condition and support those in the LGBTQ community should they want it.

I would NEVER force anyone to accept me or any of my beliefs, but I feel educating those about my condition will better help them understand me and people like me. I do not want to be grouped into anything but I do believe in tolerance and love. I believe that those around me should never abuse, belittle or shun us because of our condition – and some a life style choice. If we promote love we become a bigger/stronger community of people. That’s why I am telling my story and I truly appreciate Patti for giving me that chance to educate her audience.

Emma Dowd

Wake Up with Patti Katter is an amazing podcast/radio show where Patti brings her light to the world. We all need encouragement, motivation and inspiration in our life. Each week, Patti interviews guests who motivate and inspire others through their unique personal and professional experiences. All of your senses will WAKE UP as you listen to this scrumptious podcast that is sure to tickle your eardrums.

Patti is an advocate for wounded warriors and veterans rights in the United States and that is commendable. As a great great great grandaughter of a minuteman who fought in the Revolution to free our country from the British Crown’s rule to the last family member fighting in Korea her family has fought to defend this country and our rights since the birth of the country. Emma stands with Patti to help make our warriors and hero’s lives better for their service to the country.

Tune in August 6, 2021 on AMFM247.com and http://pattikatter.com to listen to the episode