On Sunday March 10, 2024 Emma appeared on a panel of guests talking about “Our Detransition” recorded for the 3rd episode of “Dark Side of the Rainbow” a Gays Against Groomers media production.

In the panel were 3 other detransitioners all MtFtM except for Emma. Each one told their story of what caused them to transition, to detransition and the impact it had on each ones lives. The stories and testimonials from the panel were heartwrenching. We discuss the mental impact it has on them and their health. Emma was in a different situation to appear on that panel than the rest of the guests.

Emma is a 46XX CAH intersex, who was raised male despite the female reproductive anatomy and chromosomes. In high school Emma found out she was intersex and through guidance of the doctors and school guidance counselor take testosterone to stop the secondary female development including her period; to stay male. The impact of that left her convinced to stop testosterone only to find out it was too late; the impact of the testosterone had on her chromosome disease allowed her to almost double her testosterone beit smaller than a biological man’s testosterone levels. She was never trans per say, so a detransition was impossible. Lucky for Emma clothes and a haircut was really the only transition needed. She never had surgery for her face, implants or bottom surgery. She didn’t take hormones to detransition, and she never agreed to be transed in the first place and even worse didn’t know for 18 years of her life.

The impact it had on Emma was life changing. She mentions how her impulse to protect and heal those other panel members was overwhelming; and bringing up her trauma from the years of lies to her body dysmorphia and MS that emerged from the testosterone damage had a serious impact on her mentally following the conclusion.

She hopes her story and the stories of those other panel individuals will open people’s eyes and why it’s so vital to hear so others don’t make the same mistakes they did.