When I told the world years ago that I was intersex, the most common question was “what’s in your pants”.  I mean, I really can’t blame them especially the ones that knew me since I was a young kid just starting school in the 1980s.  The problem for me wasn’t necessarily bearing what I had, rather I didn’t think it mattered.  What was down there had no impact on my personality, my gifts and talents or my looks.  However with a severe case of body dysmorphia looming over me night and day, I was hesitant to bear all.

Most of those that asked were just curious but I quickly realized that the rest were out to get their fetish satisfied.  I am not a fetish or a sex object so I erected this wall to better protect myself from the world around me.  As I started to do my videos on intersex, speaking out against fake transgenders, and doing my radio show I found more and more criticism coming my way.  Haters especially saying because I was raised male, I am male… despite the chromosomes or the ability to reproduce.  I was a way to coerce me to showing them what I had.

They believed I had a normal size penis, and my body was your typical male body playing dress up, but it had no base in reality.  Transgenders hated me for my ability to look as I do without surgery, while the TERFS as they call them hated me because they thought I was mocking them and invading women’s spaces.  How can I invade women’s spaces when I am biologically female?  How does a small birth defect negate that I have a uterus, ovaries and no testicles or prostate?

I have dealt with this for years.  I grew so anxious that I even doubted myself.  I bought season passes to Adventure Island, Busch Gardens and Sea World.  These were awesome because as a kid I went to these parks, I just couldn’t wait to hear my dad say on Friday night “we’re going to _____ tomorrow”.  Usually it was Adventure Island so this place has a special place in my heart; but getting in a bikini or bathing suit in front of all those people was a big NOPE!

So over the years I have worn a bikini but I did it in places that had very little population and I covered myself well.  This memorial day weekend however I planned on going to the beach.  A place that would not be people scarce to say the least.  So I went to the store, got a cute bikini and put it on to go to the beach.  I took a photo of myself to post on social and it was easily one of my most liked photos of all time.

Here is the photo.  I can assure you I have not had any surgery, I do not tuck (too small), and I do not have on special gaff underwear because you would see it.  However, this is me bearing all without nudity.  If this doesn’t silence my haters then nothing will.